From the very first time that I saw Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron I absolutely fell in love with the movie. I did not see this poster until I grew up later in life but it evokes so much meaning to what the movie Spirit is about. Obviously we can get so much information about what the movie is about from just looking at the poster. Instantly we see that the poster is an animated movie and most all animated movies are directed towards children. Additionally, we see that the poster has two horses in it so that the target audience is towards children and people who love horses, like me. It's obvious that the target audience is to children and people who love horses because the poster is very colorful and there are bright colors all throughout the poster. We can tell this by the sunlight in the background and the colorful mountains that accompanies the poster. 

The people who made this poster chose a very interesting font. The font goes with the time period of when the movie takes place. Spirit is set in the western time period and the font goes with it in that it's kind of western looking and a little cut up and it's not cleanly looking but it has a rugged feel to it, which is what the western lifestyle was all about. The lighting of this poster is very colorful and bright to evoke the image that this movie is very beautiful, which is in fact true. All throughout the movie you will be immersed into the wild west in a way that no other movie can equate too. The animated features really brings to life the horses and all the characters in the movie making it really believable and you forget that your watching an animated film. 

Basically the message that this poster is trying to send is that this is a beautiful movie that is great for any children whether they are a boy or a girl and for any person who loves horses. Even a grown up girl or boy who loves horses would enjoy this movie just because the movie is so beautiful. The movie is beautiful through the use of music and the landscape that accomplices Spirit as he embarks on this great journey to return home. I will forever love this movie, from now, until I'm all grown up. This movie is a part of me and I will always love this movie. 
From the very beginning that this paper was assigned I knew what I was going to write about I just had to figure out how I was going to get what I had to say across on paper. My task was to write about a lot of information and experiences into what may seem like a long paper but in reality was short for me considering that movies have been around me my entire life. I guess what you can say that changed from paper to paper was the way main ideas were told. The concept of the entire paper stayed the same but sentence structure and especially grammar was polished at the end.

In all honesty, I absolutely loved writing this paper. Although I’m not going to say that I enjoyed writing this paper more than having free time, it’s an assignment that didn’t feel like a burden on my shoulders. I love talking about movies to people and I enjoy sharing to people why I love movies. To me it’s like an escape from the real world and I can put myself into a world where anything is possible. That’s the reason I love it so much because it’s not real. Of course there are some movies that are made of real events but the majority of movies that are being released are made up stories.

What I liked about this paper and what I believe the reader will also like about this paper is how personal it is. I didn’t sugar coat anything or make anything up. Everything that was written in the paper is correct. These events did in fact happen in real life and movies did change my entire life. I’m doing my best to pursue a career in Film and I will not give up until I’ve reached the end. There’s nothing more that I love to do than make movies and I will continue to fight and persevere to make my dream become a reality.

I don’t think that I would change anything. These three movies are the most important movies in my life. The second I read the prompt I knew which movies I was going to pick and therefore I wouldn’t change anything. Maybe if I read it again I would maybe make small changes to sentence structure or format but in regards to the concept of the essay, there’s nothing that I would want to change.

I really enjoyed this essay because it was a creative essay and I was talking and analyzing about something that I enjoy and I wish my essays in High School could have been like this one because I absolutely detest writing and talking about something that doesn’t interest me at all. I really hope that we have more essays like this, but I do understand that in school we don’t get what we want. But it was definitely a great prompt to begin the school year and I would definitely recommend it for next year’s freshmen class because it’s a great way to start since it’s still educational but also has that touch of creativity and life that so many school essays lack. Spirit<3 Transformers <3 Avatar<3      <3   ß(Is a heart for those of you who don’t know) 

Lorrie Moore’s “How to Become a Writer” is very interesting because of the way that it’s being told. The article is told in a fast and dramatic pace that leaves almost no room for excess content. I think that the way that her article is written mirrors the crazy life that she lives. Moving from one thing to the other without giving herself time to breathe or do anything it’s always, critique, write, destroy and continue on. My process of writing is very different from this whereas I’m the type of writer that is more calm and reserved.

In all honesty I’ve never really understood why these writers go crazy and nuts when they aren’t writing anything and they feel that they’re doing a terrible job because nothing is written. Me personally when I write I set my mind at ease in a relaxed state and begin to write. If I’m writing nothing than its okay, I continue to think and eventually an idea will come and I will begin to write. I would much rather prefer taking my time writing quality work than just writing jibberish. Additionally, I sometimes go on my phone every now and then to just see things and give my mind a quick break from writing, instead of a long break that will completely put me out of the writing zone. This may go against the “rule” that you shouldn’t check your phone when you’re writing but it keeps me at peace with myself. The most important thing that I try to do anytime that I’m writing is to keep my mind relaxed. When my mind is relaxed I can write but when I’m all uptight and worried thinking “I need to start writing but I can’t. Why? Why? Why? Why?!?!?” I just get so frustrated that nothing gets written.

To me a writer can be anyone who just writers whether its non-fiction, fiction, journal entries, anything. But I feel that a writer should write things naturally and not forcefully. What I’ve found in my time of writing is when I’m calm and reserved some of my most brilliant work begins to form. 

This first week of college has truly been amazing. I honestly came in with a blank slate with not many expectations but in just one week I’ve enjoyed this wonderful place immensely. I honestly can’t imagine being anywhere else but at the Florida State University.

Ever since I was little, for some reason, I always wanted to go out of state for college. I just felt that because I’ve lived in Florida my entire life, I needed a change and the best way to do this was to live in another state for a short period of time. I quickly found out that attending an out of state college wouldn’t be the best decision due to the high costs. Soon after I visited FSU and I knew that this was the place where I wanted to be.

I’ve always heard the stories about how fun college is and how it’s sometimes deemed as the best time of your life, but I didn’t know it was going to be this great. So far in just one week I’ve absolutely fallen in love with this place. In the first week of college life at FSU I’ve had to the opportunity to meet wonderful people.  I was very fortunate to be able to meet someone new and then three days later throw him into the Wescott fountain on his birthday. It was such a wonderful night. I just met up with people who I met earlier that week, had dinner, and celebrated an FSU tradition by throwing my friend in the pool at midnight. It was just such a memorable experience being with new people and just having a great fun night. I will honestly never forget that night because it’s so important as it was one of my earliest memories of my first days in college.

Another memorable night that I had was when I was with my longtime friend from High School.  He was a senior when I was a sophomore back when we went to High School, and we were both really close. I was really happy to go to the same college as him and when I spent my very first night in Tallahassee with him. We just went out and we just had a good time with him and some of his friends. But the most important thing that I took away from that night was that I learned that I need to be myself. Before college I was struggling with what I wanted to be, who I wanted be known as and I thought about joining and participating in events that aren’t me. I just starting talking to my friend and then his best friend joined the conversation and they began to talk about their experience and just life in general and it made me realize that I need to be myself. That talk opened my eyes to so much. I came here for a reason, and I should never forget why I’m here at FSU. It’s not to have a great time or to mess around, it’s to be serious. I want to major in Film Production, and that’s what I need to concentrate on, nothing else. Everything else that comes with college is a blessing but the most important part about college is education, because without it my time here is a waste. There’s so much more that came from that conversation about confidence, believing in myself, and always fighting for what I believe in with all my heart. Talking with these two wonderful people really inspired me to become a better person. I’m so thankful to have a friend like that to bring me into his group of friends and help me the way he did. Without his kindness and friend’s wisdom and their help, I would still be lost in who I am and what I want my college experience to be.

It’s crazy to think that so much has occurred in one short week, but that one week is probably what will set everything in motion for the rest of my college experience. I knew that college was going to be a good time meeting new people and experiencing new things, but I just didn’t know how emotionally satisfying it would be. What I mean by that is, everything just feels right and I’m just enjoying myself and loving this place more and more every day. The only example I can think of relating to what I’m going through is if you watch a trailer for a movie and you think that movie is going to be good, you don’t know how good the movie is until you finish watching it. I know that college isn’t even close to being done, but from the little that I’ve experienced I’ve fallen in love with Tallahassee and FSU. I just can’t imagine what the rest of these four years have in store for me, but I know for a fact that it will be a wonderful time and I will never forget what my purpose is because education must always come first in college. 

Ever since I was a little kid I’ve enjoyed watching movies. I was very fortunate to have Netflix which gave me access to almost every single movie on the market. Every weekend I would watch at least one movie and most of the times even more. I slowly started to build a passion for movies without even knowing it. I slowly began to fall in love with the movie world and began to believe that anything is possible.

In 2009 two movies were released that would forever change my life, those movies were Avatar and Transformers 2. Despite critical acclaim for Transformers 2, I personally thought the movie was wonderful. I’m a huge Transformers fan and I really enjoyed watching the movie. However, the most important thing that I took away from watching that movie was that I began to think of different ways action sequences should’ve unfolded and other key elements that were left out that would’ve made the movie more enjoyable. From then on I started to consider the possibility of pursuing a career in the Film Industry. Later that year I watched Avatar and I walked out of the movie theater completely mesmerized and I remember telling myself that I wanted to be part of something like Avatar. I literally wanted to enter the world of Pandora and make movies of my own. From then on I knew that there was only one thing that I wanted to do in my life; to make movies.

Watching movies has come to change everything about me. My imagination continues to grow everyday whereas I feel that everyone’s around me fades little by little each day. I sometimes like to think of myself as a young adult but with the imagination of a little child. Inside my head I still play around in fantasy land and I continue to day dream just like I did when I was little. I intend on using my imagination to create stories in the future and turn those stories into movies. I wish to inspire people just like I was inspired when I watched movies.

Movies led me to attending the Florida State University because the Film School here is one of the top school’s in the nation. Watching movies has given me the desire to enter the Film Industry with hopes of one day making a movie of my own.