In all honesty, I really enjoyed this class. This has definitely been one of my top favorite English classes. I think what I liked about this class the most was that I had so much freedom in what I could write about. I remember being in english classes during High School and Middle School and we were forced to write about topics that I didn't care about. In College I could pick the topic that I wanted to write about. This helped so much during the writing process because in every essay that I wrote I was writing about things that I cared about. I think this is one of the main reasons why I did so well in the essays because I'm very passionate about the three main subjects that I wrote on. 

Also I really liked how we would analyze so many different real world subjects from commercials to movie trailers and anything else that's going on in the world. I remember in some of my High School English classes we would have to analyze the most boring subjects of life and I would just completely space out since it was so boring. But, in this class I actually enjoyed the analysis we made in class because it would cause me to think differently on subjects. Also I gained the ability to see things at a different angle and I learned more from viewing it from a different perspective, and this wouldn't have had been possible without this class. 

I think that one of things that was improved the most in my writing is being more concise. I used to write really long sentences but then I realized that I could say the same thing in just one concise sentence. Whereas it used to take me close to three sentences to say what I wanted to say. I know I still have a while to go but I'm really starting to gear down on working on eliminating passive voice. I'm starting to notice it when I edit my essays but it's still a work in progress. Finally, I got better at noticing comma placements. I used to be terrible, but now when I go through my essays I'm starting to notice where the commas should be. 

Overall, this class was really wonderful and I'm kind of sad that it already ended. This class also had so many great people and I was able to make some friends from this class because every now and then in the workshops I would run into someone who also really liked the subject I was writing about, whether it was video games or movies that I love. I had a wonderful time, and I don't really have complaints. Also I had an awesome teacher that helped make the transition from High School English to College English an easy transition. I couldn't be more happier. 

                For my final project I decided to choose paper 1. That was by far my most favorite paper and I love sharing with people why I love movies so much. I decided that the best medium for me to use would be a prezi. I’ve never used a prezi before and I was a little nervous in the beginning but having the class on Thursday really did help me and give me confidence that I would be able to present with prezi. I’m excited to see what other things prezi has to offer and I’m trying hard to learn prezi as fast as I can so that I can utilize everything that is has to offer in my presentation.

                I know that Prezi will work very well with my presentation because I’m doing the “Journey” theme. The Journey theme basically shows a path and you move along the path. This is a great way to transform my essay because my first essay was me expressing my journey throughout life.  So what I’m planning to do is show the different points in my life that have had a huge impact on my life. I will talk about these and how they changed me. I haven’t decided yet the different types of media that I will use for my prezi, but I will definitely use pictures. I may decide to use small clips or trailers from the movies that I will use in my prezi, but I’m scared that it will take away too much time away from my presentation. One thing that I’m very excited is that for my essay I wasn’t able to use pictures to convey what I was showing. Instead I had to explain the visuals, which worked very well, but now I have the opportunity to show pictures in my presentation. The main point that I want people to take away from this presentation is how movies changed my life and made me the person that I am today.