
Basically the premise of this paper is talking about how effective the GI Joe Movie Trailer is. The writer does a very good job by describing the trailer and although I’ve seen the trailer before I mentally came into it with a blank slate and I was able to picture the trailer in my head through the description in the essay which made it very clear for me to understand the argument that was being made. Additionally, the author supports the argument by describing what makes an action trailer good. One thing that I could maybe add would be what separates the GI Joe trailer from standard action movie trailers. The anti-ad is very good also and is very interesting because I could never picture GI Joe being a romantic movie and it adds a sense of comedic value to the essay. The writer is heading in a very good direction.


This essay talks about the very effective commercial that was aired during the 2011 Superbowl. The commercial consists of a small child dressed up in a Darth Vader outfit. The argument illustrates why this commercial was effective and highlights the comedic value found in the commercial. The author supports this by also adding some of the awards that this commercial received and the positive critical claim garnered from various sources listed in the essay. I really liked reading this essay because it did a very well job by analyzing the commercial, but my favorite part was how at the end it talked how the commercial fell flat on the details of the car. It was a very funny commercial, but from viewing the commercial the audience barely receives any information on the details of the car which is very important when someone is looking into buying a new car. This is something that I didn’t think of after I watched the commercial.


This essay’s argument challenged how the advertisement campaign that the NFL is promoting “Safety” is false. This essay really surprised me and I was very intrigued as I kept reading it because it talks about the complete lies that the NFL is feeding to the audience. The ads that they are promoting are misleading and not true. The author does a fantastic job by backing up his arguments through facts and several examples to show how the NFL is actually lying to the people and the schemes that the NFL had to go through in order to keep football alive. I also really liked how it talked about some of the history regarding the recent lockout. I didn’t know much about the lockout but this essay highlighted one of the main reasons why the lockout occurred. Another part of this essay that I really liked was that unfortunately sometimes we can’t believe everything we see because sometimes the media and TV feed us lies. This is ad is a perfect example that we can’t always believe 100% what we see on TV. Reading this essay made me think differently about the NFL. This is a very good essay that talks negatively about an ad. 

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